Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ponseti Method for Correcting Clubfoot of children's

Clubfoot refers to the conditions in which a foot of the newborn gets twisted inwards. Generally, it is found in boys more than girls. If your child or a close friend child has their legs inwards twisted then it is advisable to seek medical help because it can be the symptoms of the clubfoot. It can be treated as early as possible because once the muscles and bones become hard then it will not be cured effectively.

Generally, there are two types of methods which are used to correct the clubfoot that is listed below-

Ponseti method: The ponseti method for clubfoot is a manipulative technique that corrects congenital clubfoot without surgery. It has become a gold standard of the method to cure the clubfoot. It can be found that over six and seven weeks, clubfoot may be corrected without surgery. When we compare this method to other methods it is more effective.

Ponseti method is done in two phases:

Casting: Casting is usually starting when the baby is a week or two old. The baby will wear a series of 5 to 7 casts over a few weeks or months. When the foot is in its final, correct position, the baby is fitted with the brace. In ponseti method casting is plays an important role. In this method, the baby wears the casts that gently move the foot of the baby in the correct position. Ponseti method for clubfoot works best because a baby’s ligaments and tendons are very elastic, which makes them easy to stretch and move. Casts are either soaked off and taken off with a small electrical saw. The blade has a dull, rounded edge that vibrates from side to side. This vibration is strong enough to break apart the plaster that won’t hurt the skin.

Bracing: Clubfoot is a complex deformity, it requires the right efforts to treat. That’s why after casting, bracing is performed by the physician. Once the clubfoot has been corrected into a normal position by the casting it needs to be braced to keep it corrected and to stop relapse. This is a crucial step of the ponsite method because clubfoot get reoccurs in the children who avoid wearing braces. The brace is critical for the success of the treatment program. No other device will work. If a brace is not worn, relapse is very likely. You can also purchase braces that are made up of high-quality and offer a level of comfort to your child. On our website, you will get a collection of the braces that perfectly fit in the legs of your child and don’t cause any discomfort. Bracing is extra care which ensures that your child won’t experience clubfoot after ponseti method. Your child has to wear braces for 1 year at least all day after then he or she can wear it at night.

Surgical method: When you don't get the best result from the non-surgical methods then physicians give you the advice for the surgical method. The surgical correction is usually done until the child is between six and seven months of age. Surgery is performed to correct clubfoot. If your baby clubfoot is not get corrected with the non-surgical methods then the last option is for you is surgery.

Over to you:

We hope now you understand the effectiveness of the ponseti method for clubfoot. If you find that your child has symptoms of clubfoot then you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Because newborn child tissues are very soft it can be molded very easily and take any shape. While taking treatment, follow all the instructions carefully of a doctor and keep a cheerful attitude in front of your baby.   

Correcting Clubfoot Using the Non-Surgical Ponseti Method - MD Orthopaedics

What is clubfoot? 

A clubfoot is a deformity in which an infant's foot is turned inward. As per the report, out of one infant in every 1000 live births will have clubfoot, making one of the more common congenital foot deformities. However, clubfoot is not a painful deformity, but it makes it very uncomfortable for the child to walk, scroll and run. If your child or your close friends’ child is suffering with this disease then it is advisable for them to opt for the non-surgical methods. 

What causes clubfoot?

However, doctors are failed in finding an exact cause of the clubfoot, but it has been found that the clubfoot causes when-

  • A woman smokes during her pregnancy time. 
  • One of the member in the family had a clubfoot 
  • A woman takes an inadequate diet during her pregnancy time. 
 Symptoms of Clubfoot:
  • The heel point of the child is in the downward direction, whereas the foot turns inwardly.
  • The calf muscles on the affected side are smaller than on the normal side.
  •   Children with clubfoot wobble when they walk. They often on the outside of their affected     foot to maintain balance.
  •  Although the clubfoot walks uncomfortable. It doesn’t cause pain or discomfort on setting and sleeping.
  •  The affected leg is little bit shorter than the unaffected legs.
      If you see these symptoms in your child then immediately contact to the     doctor.

Non-surgical treatments for the clubfoot:

When doctors find the symptoms of clubfoot in the child, he begins with non-surgical treatments. The Ponseti method is a widely used treatment, which uses gently stretching casting to gradually correct the position of the legs. 

Casting Method: Your baby foot is gently stretched and manipulated into the correct position and held in place with a long-leg stretch. Every week you have to bring your baby for this treatment. The doctor will do stretching, re-position and casting until the foot is largely improved. Purchase the orthopedic shoes for the kids after the treatment. 

Achilles tenotomy: After manipulation and casting period, approximately 90%  of the babies will require a minor procedure to release continuous tightness in the achilles tendon. During this week's procedure, your doctor will use a very thin instrument to cut the tendon. After that new cast will be applied to the leg to protect the tendon. This usually takes about three weeks. By the time the cast gets removed. 

Bracing: Even after the successful correction of the legs from the casting. Doctors recommend children to wear bracing. The bracing prevents clubfoot from happening again in the future. For the first 6 months, the children has to wear the braces all day, after that they can wear even at night. 
Final Say:

We hope this comprehensive guide on the non-surgical methods helps you a lot. It is advisable for the parent to purchase clubfoot shoes which offer comfortable walking and prevent from the injury. 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Can a Clubfoot be treated without surgery?

What is clubfoot?

Clubfoot is a congenital condition (inborn disease) that causes baby’ foot and ankle to twist permanently. In clubfoot, the tendons and ligaments that hold the muscles to the bones are excessively. This causes the tissues around the lower leg to hold the foot in an anomalous position. Clubfoot looks like a leader of the golf club, which is how it gets this name.

Clubfoot is an intrinsic deformation, which means you are brought into the world with this condition. Doctors diagnose this deformity in the early stage because the tissues are flexible of a newly born baby. So, bracing and casting can be done easily. If you get the treatment for clubfoot early, the chances of recovering will get increased.

Yet the causes of the clubfoot are still unclear, but the risk of being born with it higher if:
       You are male.
       Your mother smoked during pregnancy.
       Someone else in your family has clubfoot.
       You have spinal cord injuries.

How does clubfoot get repaired?

There are two types of methods used in repairing the clubfoot deformity. The first one is surgical and second one is non-surgical. For most babies, a non-surgical method is the best treatment. There are few reliable techniques like stretching, reshaping, casting and bracing which can successfully correct the position of the legs without giving any pain to the baby. In this blog we are going to discuss only Clubfoot Treatment Ponseti

In non-surgical method, doctors use two techniques that we have mentioned below-


Here, we will tell you about the above-mentioned methods one by one.

Casting: Sometimes non-surgical methods such as casting, can correct clubfoot. Casting is the method for correcting clubfoot in the hopes of avoiding surgery. The ponseti method is the most common technique used to correct the position of the baby. Your doctor gently stretches your leg into a more normal position and secures it with a cast. Every few weeks, you must visit the doctor clinic for casting. Once the casting is performed successfully, your doctor will proceed towards the bracing.

Bracing: A bracing method is nothing, it is used to stabilize the structure of your leg. After casting your doctors will cover your legs with braces that brings stability in your legs and turns into normal legs. You must wear braces for 1 years at least all the time. After six months you can wear these braces in the night only.

Final say:

We hope this comprehensive guide on how to treat clubfoot with a non-surgical method helps you a lot. If your child or your friend’s child has a clubfoot, then it is advisable to consult with the doctor as early as possible. Because non-surgical methods only work if you opt for the treatment in the early age of a life. You should also wear clubfoot shoes after treatment it protect your legs and make your walk comfortable:

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